Production: Film Showcase!!

 We made the film as a team and showed it to one of our friends to get some constructive criticism. We wanted an outsider's perspective on the film, someone who wasn't involved in the making of it. We knew that our friends would be honest with us and tell us what they really thought.

As we sat down to watch the film with our friend, I was feeling a little nervous. I usually get nervous in situations like this, even though my same friend watched my film last year. We had put a lot of work into the project and I was hoping that it would be well received. We all sat on the couch, watching the film on the TV, waiting for our friend's reaction.

As the film ended, our friend sat in silence for a few moments, thinking about what they had just watched. Finally, they turned to us and started giving their thoughts. They were honest but constructive, pointing out both the strengths and weaknesses of the film.

There were some parts that our friend really enjoyed and thought were well done, but there were also some parts that they thought could use improvement. They gave us some suggestions on how we could make those parts better, such as adding more dialogue in certain (mall interaction) scenes or adjusting the pacing of the story (changing ordering and taking out flashbacks).

It was a bit tough to hear some of the criticism, but we knew that it was important to hear it in order to make the film the best it could be. We took notes on everything our friend said, and later went back and discussed how we could implement their suggestions.

In the end, I was grateful for our friend's input. Their feedback helped us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our film, and gave us a roadmap for how we could improve it. Without their critique, we might not have been able to make the film as good as it could be.

Overall, I think it's important to get feedback on your creative work from people you trust. Whether it's a film, a painting, or a piece of writing, having someone else's perspective can help you see things you might have missed and improve the final product. It can be scary to show your work to others, but in the end, it's worth it if it helps you create something you're truly proud of. I always am scared of showing my work to others but as shown buy this example its important!!


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