Production: Film Review

 Today my partners and I showed our film to people to review it. Christian showed it to his parents. Jorge showed it to his sisters. I showed mine to my sister. Overall she thought it was good. She liked the overall movie plot/ concept. She stated our acting was quite “Mid” but we are not professionals. The version that I showed her had 4 second cuts between each scene because It had not been fully edited. The main purpose for those cuts was so Jorge could do the final editing asier. There was some sound added in but once again nothing is final. I find getting input from others is very useful. They can sometimes help you realize how good or bad something is. Oftentimes you believe something to be better or worse than it actually is. Other input is always good. You must also always consider the other person’s input, not ignore it. Everyone has different opinions and views. I am glad this is part of the production process. Taking criticism from others is a very important life skill. Over the next few weeks my partners and I will work hard. Using the criticism we got we will be able to produce a better project.


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