Production Blog: Editing Softwear

  Today I spend some time looking at different options for our editing software. Over the years I have seen many different editing software. Though I have used a few I am not really sure what I want to use this time around. The one major thing I am looking for is the fact that the software is free. 

The first considered option was “Divinchi Resolve”. I have used the software before for the music video project. The software overall is very nice. It is organized and very reliable. There was only one issue I encountered, that being the exporting of our project. Overall the effects offered were also very well-rounded and helpful. Davinchi was a great editing software for our purposes. 

Today while I was researching I encountered another free-to-use editing software. This software was called “Lightworks”. This is apparently one of the best free-to-use editing software. Though I have not used it before it interested me. I watched multiple videos on the software and it looked very organized and another good software. I will be downloading the software to try out a few things before deciding. 

Overall there are a lot of different editing software's out there. We will keep looking for more over these next few days to make out final choice. 


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