Genre Research: Ready Player 1

 Common CAMS

  • Establishing shot’s mainly used during scenes showing off new areas to establish where the scene will take place. For example, The opening Shot shows “Columbus, Ohio”.

  • Extreme close-ups are used often to show or emphasize the facial expression a character had to a certain event. 

  • Wide shots were used to showcase large battles and events to show their importance to the audience.


  • Costumes were very unique. In the real world, they are tattered, and well-worn clothing. They showed the reality of the world the movie took place in. In the OASIS there are extremely unique costumes and designs that varied greatly. 

  • Lighting was oftentimes dark to invoke mysterious feelings in the audience as the world is very unknown.

  • Props were quite unique in this movie. One of the most noteworthy was the headset piece worn by all the characters in the film to put them into the virtual reality world. 

  • Settings were also extremely unique as oftentimes the characters were in the virtual world, this meant 

Common Sound

  • Diegetic sounds were very unique. They mainly helped immerse the reader in the unique world. A major example of this is the unique or futuristic tech shown in the film.

  • Ambient sound was used frequently in areas like Ache’s workshop to create a mood or feel.

  • Incidental Music such as “Jump” by Van Halen is used to help immerse the reader in the world of the film.  

  • Sound bridges are used for things like explosions to help make the reader feel all the characters are connected and together in the situation. 

Common Editing in the movie 

  • Jumps cuts are often used to showcase time going by. For example, after the first key was won, the company executives talked about it. 

  • Eye line match: 

  • Split screens: Often used during action scenes to show what different characters are doing. 

  • Cross-cutting was used often throughout the film because there were often people doing things at the same time while working to the same cause. 

Elements of Genere in the movie

There were lots of elements of a typical action movie in this film. There were explosions, car chase scenes, and multiple fights. There was an all-out war-like scene near the end of the movie which fully showcased the action aspect of the movie. Many explosions, sudden crashes, and events occurred in a short time. This is a major thing that happens in many action movies. 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you liked?

I greatly liked the exciting actions scenes. They were extremely interesting as well as also keeping me on the edge of my seat. We hope to maybe try to incorporate similar aspects to our own creation. 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that do not appeal to you? 

Though there was a lot that I liked there were some things I felt that didn’t really appeal too great to me. The main thing was the over-the-top editing done in scenes like the battle at the end. Though they looked visually nice we do not intend to use any over the editing as we aim to have a more grounded to reality plot compared to something as extravagant as “Ready Player 1”.


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