Genre Research: Extraction

 Common CAMS

  • Establishing shots were used in the movie to show that the movie is taking place in a populated city with many worn down buildings.

  • Extreme close-ups were used in the movie to show the facial expressions of people when they were fighting.

  • Continuous Shot: A twelve minute scene in the movie consisted of a car chase, a fight in a building, a jump from one rooftop to another, a street fight as well as a few other things.


  • Costumes were used well in the movie, the costume that the main actor wore was cango pants with a long sleeve shirt as well as a tactical vest and he also had a rifle on him. The outfit suited the main character as he was fighting a lot in the movie.

  • Lighting was used in the movie to make the movie pop out more as the movie was very fast paced and full of action.

  • Props that were used in the movie were very realistic as the grenades being thrown seemed real and the guns being shot looked very realistic.

  • Setting was very well executed as the movie took place in Bangladesh and the director did a great job 

Common Sound

  • Diegetic Sounds used in the movie were explosions, grenades detonating, gunshots as well as speeding cars. Also when the people fighting dropped, you could hear their gear hit the ground.

  • Ambient Sounds were used in the movie like many gunshots and explosions going off in the background. There were also many honking cars and crowd noise which was used to show how populated the city was.

  • Sound Bridges were used to transfer the sound of the action from one scene to the other. Some of these sounds are explosions and detonating grenades.

Common Editing in the movie

  • Cross cutting was used in the movie often since there were many scenes where many people were fighting at the same time.

  • Eye line match was used in the film to show the audience what characters are seeing and what is going on.

  • Dissolve was used in the movie to show slow transitions from one scene onto the next scene.

Elements of genre in the movie

This film included a lot of features of a standard action movie. Explosions, car pursuit sequences, and many fights were all present. In a short period of time, there were numerous explosions, startling crashes, and incidents. This is a common occurrence in many action films.

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you liked?

The movie had many elements to it that appealed to me. One of these elements being the action used to save the kidnapped individual. I also liked the movie's pace as it was very fast paced in the fights and it was very enjoyable to watch.

What elements of the genre did the movie have that do not appeal to you? 

The genuine gore witnessed as the people fighting die was one aspect of this film that did not appeal to me. People being shot and stabbed, as well as grenades going off, could make audiences puke if they aren't warned beforehand.


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