Editing: A new thing to learn

 I began the main process of editing our video today. Last night I set up the editing software to download on my computer so it would be ready to use. The download actually took quite a while and was finally finished after I woke up. When I first opened the zip file my computer actually crashed. I later realized I tried to open it twice, which was not good. 

I went onto my icloud and moved all the footage to a folder on my computer so I could easily upload it. Online icloud is quite annoying to access so it took me a while to figure it out. Eventually I was able to upload all the pictures to the editing software. But the first time I tried uploading them I just uploaded pictures by accident. 

After all the clips were uploaded I looked at the entire interface of the software. There is a lot of things so I basically began clicking random things to see what would happen. While doing this I accidentally closed the app and had to reupload some of the videos. 

I also renamed all the clips so I could more easily find them. I then started cutting all the shots to make sure there was no clips of nothingness. I also marked all clips that were filler so I could find them when needed.  

My partners and I also reviewed the footage that was taken to make sure there was nothing in there that shouldn’t be there. We decided on a few that needed some lighting changes or possible refiliming, nothing too major needed to be done to the existing footage. 

After we finished the footage review we ended our call. I went and watched a few basic videos on how to do things on the software so I could try better understanding it.


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