
Scene 1: Two people riding their bikes down a neighborhood street during the day. This will be filmed on one of the main streets in the neighborhood. It’s main purpose is to establish the setting and feel of the video, this will be done with a wide angle shot.. The beginning instrumental section of the song will play during this section. 

Scene 2: A point of view shot is given from one of the riders as they approach their location, that being the park we intend to film at. This shot exists mainly to help the audience feel more immersed within the video.

Scene 3: The third scene will show an over the shoulder shot from the two people that were on the bikes looking towards a small hill. On the hill there will be multiple people smiling and waving to them.

 Scene 4: Another wide angle shot used here to show an open field. The actors will run across the field as if playing together with a ball.

Scene 5: This scene is an establishing shot of the field they were just running around on to once again elaborate upon the nice scenery. 

Scene 6:  A medium zoom in on a forestry area to instate curiosity within the audience. Also to seem as if they themselves have seen it.

Scene 7: Another wide angle shot from the side showing the group walking or thinking of walking into the previously shown forest area. 

t the sun will have also have started setting but not fully set yet.

Scene 8:  This scene is a series of pans through the trees in the forest area to once again try and set the location for the next scene.

Scene 9: During this scene one of the actress will walk through the forest and stumble upon a lake. He will then look at the water and see a reflection of himself. During this scene the line: ”Frightened of this thing that I’ve become” will play. The actor will show a somewhat fearful expression. 

Scene 10: The main actor followed by the others run out of the forest as what they saw frightened them.

.Scene 11: This scene will have a variety of pans around the park again but after the sun has begun setting so the overall feel evoked by the shots will be different than earlier as it will be darker.

Scene 12: Tracking shot of the two people that rode in earlier leaving the park and riding off down the street that they first came down on.



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