Planning for my Music Video

 Song: “Africa”

By: Toto


For our video we plan to showcase people hanging out at a park. To do this we will bring bicycles, sport balls, and other possible props that one would use to have fun with at a park. 


We have decided to wear casual clothes but specifically something with long sleeves as we feel it will better suit the song. One thing we did specifically decide upon though was wearing tennis shoes as they would still be comfortable wear at a park but also will fit the mood of the song and the video. 


The week of 11/15 we were planning out our project and still making the major decision, as well as conducting research about the rock industry in general. 

The week of 11/22 will be thanksgiving break and we intend to begin filming and editing throughout that week as we will have little other work for other classes.

The week of 11/29 will be the final editing period and getting ready to submit out project. 


Our main choice of location is the park at The Lakes of Emerald Hills neighborhood, as my grandparents live there and it is a nice location for such a video. We also plan to use my house for a few short clips but the majority will be filmed at the park.

Backup Plan:

Our backup plan is to film in the study of my house. A scene of life moving along as we do different things within my house. Though it  is not ideal, it will work.


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